Barack Obama's memoir A Promised Land is a detailed account of his time as President and his adventure to the oval office. The audio book has the added bonus of it being narrated by the President himself.

It is intriguing to hear how Obama thought about different problems he had to solve. There is always more than one way to go about an issue. There is always a complex set of relationships. Working with people can sometimes be complicated, and he gives insight into how he did so. 

Some of the topics handled in the book were the comeback from the financial crisis, which consumed the beginning of his Presidency, the passage of the Affordable Care Act, issues with military leaders about the War in Afghanistan, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the operation that lead to the capture of Osama bin Laden.

Anyone that was alive during the Obama Presidency, loves a good memoir, or has a general interest in the history of the United States, should add this to their list of books to read.

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